The Power of Yes!

Couros shares the idea of the culture of “yes”! In our schools, especially as leaders, this allows a more free-thinking environment where teachers and students feel more empowered and willing to step out and take a risk.  A culture of “yes” like many other things begins with the individual.  We must learn to say “yes” or even “yes, and” instead of “no.”

After reading this book last year, I began to pause when I started to question if I could do something. I decided I  would alter that process and say: “Yes, I will try,  Yes, I will take risks. Yes, I will allow myself to move out of my comfort zone to create a community of better learners and a staff that is more willing to innovate.”  Innovator’s Mindset challenges us to approach each day of school with hope and a “yes” attitude.  Greet students in the hallway with “Good morning,” ask them about their dreams and listen, be careful of sarcasm for it can be the death of hope for many students. Be aware of students’ lives outside of school, but remind them that they are in charge of their future! The way we act and react sets the tone for the school and the attitude of students as well. Be daring, take risks, and say “yes, we can” more often!

3 thoughts on “The Power of Yes!

  1. Yes! Defaulting to “why not” instead of to “why” plays a huge role in innovation in schools. What have you said yes to recently? What are you looking forward to saying yes to sometime soon?

    Aaron (@aaron_hogan)

  2. Love this Cara! The power of Yes is definitely something I feel more and more as I read the book. Just listened to your interview with George and Katie from season 1 and love the coteaching things that you are doing at your school. I feel that you have definitely built a culture of collaboration, sharing, and innovation.

  3. I love this … “approach each day of school with hope and a “yes” attitude.”
    A yes attitude buoyed by hope is very powerful!

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