What is right? What is Wrong? What is Missing?

I have always created a list with three categories. What went right? What went wrong? What was missing? This active reflection has always led me to action and goal setting to improve my craft.

As I stepped out of the classroom and into the role of support for the staff, I struggled with my heart still pulling me toward the classroom. The excitement of a newly decorated classroom with all of the anticipation passed me by, and I was now a bystander. I watched wonderful classroom moments and thought about how I would have loved to be in the mix of all that great learning. I missed the smiles, the giggles, the lights that go off when they finally get it. I missed the songs, the challenge of getting into the curriculum and still personalizing the learning to each student. It has been a struggle to find my stride in this new adventure, and I have made so many mistakes, but I have done some things right as well. As I reflected on this, I began addressing my job as an Instructional Technology Coordinator.

What went right? What went wrong? What is missing?

The list is a little murky this year. I have found that things that have gone wrong have led to things going right or a chance for me to learn and grow.

Isn’t that the way is supposed to be? To grow, we have to go through things that are a bit painful at times. There is an adage that “nothing worth having comes easy.” I challenge that things become worthy when the experience is hard because the struggle truly made us stop and think. Let’s face it we are the proudest after we have worked hard at something and all of a sudden, it falls into place.

There is a sense of perseverance, resilience, and empowerment associated with struggle.

I will not share all of the things that went wrong this year because I have already processed those events, and I have chosen to push ahead. I will share what has gone right for me this year because it is a reflection of my pushing myself out of my comfort zone.

By nature, I am rather introverted and serious. I tend to run on the side of insecurity and the fear of failure. This year, I have been pushed to reach outside of myself.

The action of putting myself in the realm of presenting to groups, joining Twitter, and creating a larger presence online has led to me gaining so much knowledge from wonderful educators from all over the United States and other countries. Their thoughts and the things they are doing to make education a great experience for their students inspire me. This action of making myself vulnerable has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of my core beliefs on pedagogy, methodology, and the integration of technology. I have started seeing the bigger picture, and I have begun connecting the dots of all of the things I have learned over the years from great teachers.

Now to the big question, what is missing? What are my goals? There are so many things that I find that I could say are missing, but I believe all of them connect back to relationships, passion, and balance. Here are the key goals I would like to devote time to next year.

o Stronger relationships can lead to meaningful PD.

o I would love to get into more classrooms, push in and help with lessons more often, and develop a more trusting relationship with my co-workers.

o Think outside the box and look for inventive ways to make an impact.

Fan the Flames of Passion! 
o Continue to kindle my own flame through searching out my passions

o Spread the spark by helping others find their fire.

o Expectations- remember that hopes and goals are important, but we are all human.

o Heart and passion with understanding and grace.


While I miss the classroom at times, I am unbelievably thankful for this opportunity and position. My heart has always been in problem-solving and fulfilling needs. The things that I have missed about the classroom can be solved by building better relationships with staff and getting into classes more. When I think about next year, I find that I have hope. After all, we are here on this Earth to learn and love, and I am still chasing them both.

2 thoughts on “What is right? What is Wrong? What is Missing?

  1. You are a wonderful person!! You are great at what you do. I am personally extremely thankful for all the times you’ve helped me and my class. I always know when something you’re presenting is going to be a huge hit because you get so excited and you definitely can’t hide it. I look forward to working with you another year. Love you Snoopy.

    1. Thank you very much for these words! I enjoy working with you,too! Thank you for always listening to my ramblings and for trying it out. Much love!

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