School Pride and Risk-taking

School pride and risk-taking are vital to an innovative school culture!

Acknowledging what is great in our school.  Ensuring that our students and teachers are valued is significant in becoming an exceptional school! This can be achieved by recognizing teachers, community, administration, and student strengths and utilizing them to their fullest potential.  When we treat each other with respect and compassion, we build relationships.  When we build strong relationships, our potential is exponential.

While having pride in our school and what we are doing is vital, we have to always look for how we can push ourselves and not become complacent. There is a famous quote by Maya Angelou, “I did then what I knew best, when I knew better, I did better.”  How profound and honest is that message? We should always be on the lookout for ways to improve or change things up.  When everything gets settled, it’s time to shake it up.  Last night on #IMMOC Live chat, George Couros spoke of the groove and the rut. If we treat each year with a prescribed algorithm of the same lessons or tasks,  I challenge we are in a rut.  The indications of being in a rut are lackluster of emotion, an absence of passion,  and the engagement required for you to be your spectacular self.  You have to ask yourself, “Am I in a groove or am I in a rut? ”

Build relationships, have school pride, and take risks to grow!



2 thoughts on “School Pride and Risk-taking

  1. Acknowledging a persons efforts and successes are so important. When you help to foster a culture where people feel valued, the entire school benefits. People become more willing to share and take risks when relationships are strong. Great post!

  2. I think I am in a rut. But I am trying to get it out. Thanks for the push. Building school pride is something I am working on in my new school. I am currently working on trust and relationships. Still have a ways to go.

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